Feminist Forum: Ask An Expert — The Sex Ed You Never Got 2



Thursday, May 23, 7–10PM


1800 S Brand Blvd, Suite 111, Glendale, CA 91204

Find more info on getting to our space

Max Participants: 10 

Open to all ages, young adults to seniors


The second in a series of in-person programs exploring pro-sexualities, join Jerri Allyn and sex educators, Emmalinda MacLean and Dr. Alexandra ”Allie” Melendez, who can answer your questions about sex! We’ll explore body-positive interests arenas the group wants to discuss, followed by a Q&A where participants add anonymous, individual questions to a hat for the experts to answer.  



About the Facilitators


Jerri Allyn is an artist and educator (she/he/shimmher). Allyn’s project, Sex: Celebrated, Contested & Everywhere, includes photomontage portraits highlighting colleagues in pro-sex gigs. The 6x4’ portrait banners come alive when hung inside from the ceiling of a host site, and outside on street-posts during the subjects events. Sex: Celebrated examines how sex ed, pro sex activities, and labor rights for sex workers intersect in Allyn’s and their subject’s lives.


Emmalinda MacLean (she/her) is the Co-Founder of More Than Sex Ed. In middle school, she was a participant in the Our Whole Lives sexuality education, a wholistic program developed by the Unitarian Church for K-Senior participants. As an adult, she is a highly respected sexual health educator. Emmalinda leads Our Whole Lives trainings around the country, coaching new sex educators on their inclusive, values-centered approach (Unitarians aspire to creativity, freedom and compassion with respect for diversity and interconnectedness). California born and raised, horror movie fan and plant nerd.


Dr. Alexandra ”Allie” Melendez, (she/her) is a firm believer that happy and healthy adults start as well-informed children. She is a Los Angeles native who studied journalism in the mid-west, and traveled around the world before discovering a passion for education, developing a curriculum for K-12 students. Her doctoral dissertation titled, “from abc to std: what you didn’t learn in school,” provides an adult audience with the comprehensive sex education they didn’t receive as youth.